

Hello and welcome to the website for Carey International Impact Technologies. 

It might help if I explain my background, so that you can see where I can add value for you.

Until 2001, I was an academic (Senior Lecturer at Imperial College, London), specialising in the application of molecular biology to human diseases.

I found that a main motivation for me was to improve patient health and outcomes, and I believed I could make a larger contribution to this in industry, so I changed sectors.

Quick history:

Head of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology for Vernalis (2001-2004)

Head of Biology for TopoTarget (2004-2006)

Head of Research for CellCentric (2006-2011)

Senior Director in External R & D Innovation for Pfizer (2011-2014)

I then spent 3 years as International Director for PraxisUnico, the leading European association for technology transfer professionals.

Since 2017, I have worked very successfully for myself, providing services to companies and universities. This included 30 months as a Royal Society Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the University of Oxford. While innovation training was a significant part of my portfolio until 2022, I am now focussing on consultancy work and non-executive directorships.